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It is also concluded that the lowest cement dosage should be provided for any soft intact soil, or the stabilization is invalid at all. 指出對任意一軟質原料土 ,存在一個最低的水泥用量 ,如果達不到這一用量則固化傚果皆無。
The tensile strength of fiber soil stabilization with portland cement was increased with dosage and length of fiber while the former was more effective than the latter. 分析表明纖維水泥土抗拉強度隨著纖維摻量和長度的增加而增加,且纖維摻量對纖維水泥土抗拉強度的影響比纖維長度的影響更大。
The effect of the stabilization of a high water content weak soil with a new type active belite cement made from lime and fly ash and the strength development of the stabilized soil were investigated. 以高含水粘性土爲對象,研究了活性貝利特水泥的固化処理傚果及固化土的強度發展特性。