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Foe man is man and master of his futa. 人就是人;是自己命运的主人.
Tadesse Futa has a small farm in the village of Aleta Wondo, nearly 350 kilometres south of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. 特达斯伏塔在艾利塔温都有一个小农场,位于衣索比亚首都,阿地斯阿贝巴南边350公里处。
Agent:jinzhou futa industry and trade co.,led.is the designated sales agent of Eagle is industrial sodium hyposulfite produces. 代理:锦州福达工贸有限责任公司是鹰嘴山牌工业硫酸钠国内指定销售代理商。
A tax imposed on the employer by the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) based on amounts of payrolls. 联邦州失业税是由联邦州失业税法案规定按照工资总额向雇主征收的税金。
Record employee wages using Individual or Group Wages Entry Menus.Calculate all payroll taxes: federal, state, local , FICA, FUTA, SUI, SDI, etc. 计算所有工资单税:联邦,州,本地, FICA, FUTA, SUI, SDI,等等,能处理所有工资时期,每小时,委托代发,非雇员工人。