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Also, the excited triplet state, once populated, is about 2 times more efficient in the formation of the colored form than the excited singlet state. 而且, 一旦生成激发三线态, 它的光化学活性大约比激发单线态大2倍。 sioc-journal.cn
The decomposition reaction is endothermic reaction for the ground state of hydrazine, but it is exothermic reaction for the first excited singlet state of hydrazine. 基态分子分解反应是吸热反应,而单态第一激发态分解反应是放热反应。 jamp.scu.edu.cn
Encoding qubits on the singlet state and the triplet state can protect qubits from low-frequency noise and suppress the dominant source of decoherence from hyperfine interactions. 利用双电子自旋的单重态和三重态编码量子比特的优点在于:可有效保护量子比特避免低频噪声,也可抑制超精细相互作用引起的退相干。