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The following is an interesting story of how King turns out to be the No.1 "narco" dog in New York City. 下面一则有趣的故事讲的是金如何成为纽约第一缉毒犬。
A month elapsed, the girl was narcose all the same.The boy was peaked and pined, but he still believed that she would get better one day. 一个月过去了,女孩仍然昏睡着,而男孩早已憔悴不堪了,但他仍苦苦地支撑着。
Today King continues his career with a reputation as the No.1 "narco"11 dog in New York City - all, as the journal noted, "from the dog nobody wanted. 然而,正如这家报纸所言,所有这一切都是从“一只没有人要的狗”开始的。
American officials, including a former drug tsar, have publicly worried about having a “narco state” as their neighbour. 美国的官员们,包括一个前毒品沙皇,都已经公开担心会像他们的邻居那样成为“缉毒警察的国度”。
Two kinds of prehospital emergency treatments to glossocoma in narcose patients 昏迷病人舌后坠两种院前急救处理方法的疗效观察