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An enzyme that catalyzes the removal and transfer of hydrogen from a substrate in an oxidation-reduction reaction. 脱氢酶一种酶,能在氧化还原反应过程中,对。
When exhaust flow flows through a three-way catalyst, redundant hydrogen and nitrogen oxides in waste gas are subjected to oxidation-reduction reaction to further reduce discharge. 排气流过三元催化器时,废气中多余的氢气和氮氧化 物发生氧化还原反应,进一步降低排放。 ip.com
Simultaneously, a nondestructive chemical reaction (reduction) would proceed at the cathode, in most cases producing hydrogen gas on it. 同时,在阴极进行非破坏性反应(还原反应),多数情况下在阴极产生氢气。 www.infopetro.com.cn