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The dengue virus causes dengue hemorrhagic fever, shock and encephalitis. 登革热病毒导致登革热出血热、休克和脑炎。
Cases are generally non-lethal but dengue occasionally results in a deadly hemorrhagic fever. 一般不会致死但是偶尔会引起致命的出血热。
There is evidence linking ENSO to malaria in Latin America, rift valley fever in east Africa, and dengue fever and its more lethal form, dengue hemorrhagic fever, in Thailand. 有证据表明,ENSO和拉丁美洲的疟疾、东非的裂谷热以及泰国的登革热(以及它的一种更致命的形式:登革出血热)有联系。
Dengue hemorrhagic fever kills about five percent of all people it infects.
The most severe kind of the disease is called dengue hemorrhagic fever.
Ebola is a hemorrhagic fever.It causes unstoppable bleeding.