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These groups can be made by business processes, as suggested by the name of the process maturity level, but a division by business unit or geographic region is possible as well. 分组可按业务流程进行,正如流程成熟度级别的名字所暗示的,但是按照业务单元或地理区域划分可能也不错。
That speed is also too fast to be explained by a phenomenon called true polar wander, in which the Earth's entire crust and mantle reorient, moving a different geographic region to the north pole. 这一速度太快了而同样无法用真极移现象解释,真极移理论认为地球的整个地壳和地幔都在不断调整,将一个完全不同的地理区域移到了北极。
The processor may identify a first geographic region which may encompass the first geographic location of the electronic device. 处理器将标记电子设备所处的第一个地理位置所在的地区信息。
The other major geographic region that appears to produce the bulk of these films isSoutheast Asia. FORBES: Special Report: The Horrific World of Online Sexual Violence Against Women - Forbes
Burrows also noted the strength of community banks and their valuations vary noticeably by geographic region. FORBES: Banks Trickle Back To IPO Market
Additionally, confining your purchases to vendors within a geographic region does not strengthen the local economy. FORBES: We buy local produce because it is better, not because it is local