Warning: mysqli_query(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/opt/rasp/logs/plugin/plugin.log.2024-11-26) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/wwwroot/ppbbu/5256789.com/:/tmp/) in /www/wwwroot/ppbbu/5256789.com/vars/english.php on line 30
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Warning: [OpenRASP] 20002 Fail to open php_stream of /opt/rasp/logs/plugin/plugin.log.2024-11-26! in /www/wwwroot/ppbbu/5256789.com/vars/english.php on line 30 four-cornered是什么意思,four-cornered的翻译,four-cornered音标、读音、用法和例句_绿查网谷歌词典
Vortex Racer will train you for frantic races in the four corners of the galaxy. 旋涡叁赛者将会为狂乱的比赛在银河的四个角落中训练你。
The lattice jib consisted of five sections and each section was connected together by four retaining pins at the four corners. 该猪笼吊臂由五个部分组成,各部分由四颗连接钉在四个角落连结一起。