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The campsite was deluged by a flash flood. 露营地被突发的洪水淹没。
The unusually heavy rain caused flash floods in several mountain villages. 这场异常的大暴雨使好几个山村受到了骤发洪水的袭击。
Seasonal downpours cause landslides and flash floods every year in Indonesia. 印度尼西亚的季雨每年都导致山体滑坡和洪水。
The heavy downpours resulted in flash floods , trapping dozens of people. 倾盆大雨造成的洪灾使数十人被困。
How do they survive flash floods and daily temperature swings of25 degrees Celsius(40 degrees Fahrenheit)? 牠们如何避过雨季的暴洪,以及每天达25℃温差?
LOAD BALANCERS can help solve the "server-busy" problem that arises when servers drown from a flash flood of users trying to access them. 负荷平衡器能帮助解决“服务器忙碌”问题,当瞬间有大量用户试图访问服务器而导致服务器崩溃时,就会产生此问题。