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He plays an acoustic, a 12-string acoustic, and electric guitar and probably many more. 他弹奏了一把12弦的原声吉他和一把电吉他,或许还有很多其他乐器。
One critic praised Jeff Beck's playing for his "fierce attack and fat tone" and his ability to use the electric guitar to create textures as well as notes. 一位评论家称赞杰夫•贝克演奏的“尖锐的击打声和厚重的旋律”,以及使用电子吉他创作体裁和曲调的才能。
Gibson 'Les Paul' electric guitar. For its influence in changing the face of popular music and, therefore, culture. 电子吉他,受它影响流行音乐的面貌改变了,因而,改变了文化。
To make this song, Les Paul layered eight recordings of himself playing the electric guitar.
He was also an inventor. The electric guitar and recording devices he created changed the sound of popular music and greatly influenced rock and roll.
He developed a new kind of electric guitar that had a solid body.
Witness David Axt David Axt , a 39-year-old Seattle architect who has played electric guitar since high school. FORBES: Hobby Horse