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Past failures of co-ordination initiatives do not offer much hope either. 同时过去的失败也意味着协调的做法希望不大。
One was more economic co-ordination within the zone—in other words, a version of the competitiveness pact and its embryonic economic government. 其中一个修改是要让欧元区经济更加协调—换句话说,它是竞争力协议以及经济政府原型的一个版本。
It envisages a stable industry structure, with limited entry for Western newcomers, a high degree of government co-ordination and a cautious view of banks going abroad. 它设想了一个稳定的产业结构,西方的新入银行很有限,高度地由政府协调和对银行在国外开展业务的审慎监管。
Haiti has experienced a succession of aid programs with no coherency, co-ordination or long-term strategy. UNESCO: MEDIA SERVICES