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The roads were very busy so traffic crawled along at ten miles an hour. 马路上交通极为拥挤,所以车辆往来以每小时十公里的速度慢行。
You can describe traffic conditions by saying things like: There is a lot of traffic;It’s very busy; It’s the rush hour. 你可以这样描述交通状况:There is a lot of traffic(交通很拥挤);It’s very busy(交通很繁忙);It’s the rush hour(现在是高峰时刻)。
Michelle Weinstein's 75-minute commute to work begins at 6:50 a.m., when she dodges rush-hour traffic on a busy boulevard in the city's Silver Lake neighborhood on her way to a subway station. 米歇尔•韦恩斯坦(Michelle Weinstein)骑车上班要75分钟,她早上6点50就要从这座城市的银湖(Silver Lake)社区出发,在繁忙的道路上躲避车辆,赶往地铁站。
The American Heart Association recommends reducing time spent in heavy traffic or jogging during rush hour, or near busy roadways and better treatment for cardiovascular risk factors.