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Raise awareness of bleeding disorders in your community. 提高社会对出血性疾病的认知。 hnxueyou.org
It controls the balance between blood clotting and bleeding, and abnormalities affecting VWF can lead to health problems such as bleeding disorders and heart attacks. 它能够控制血凝出血平衡;对VWF有影响的异常状况能够导致诸如出血失调、心脏病等健康问题。
Also, some people should not take aspirin. People who take other blood thinners or have bleeding disorders are among this group. Pregnant women are usually told to avoid aspirin. 并且,一些人是不可以服用阿司匹林的。患有贫血和出血失调症的人就包括其中。怀孕的妇女就常常被提醒禁止服用阿司匹林。
People who take other blood thinners or have bleeding disorders are among this group.