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It can protect movements of motors, electrical appliances, it may balance weight in cutting, and make it more stable. 对电机、电器动作均有保护,并在切割时有配重,使之更加平稳。
Product:Tyre cold patch;cold bar glue;Tire repair tools; Wheel balance weight etc. product. 产品:内、外胎冷补胶片;冷补胶条;补胎工具;车轮平衡块等产品。
The large rocking half-wheel helps lift the excavating bucket and lower the balance weight. 巨大晃动的半轮帮助举起挖斗并且降低平衡重量块。
For the purpose of walking on uneven terrain, the main features of BR2 include geniculate legs and a translatable balance weight in the body. 为使二足步行机器人能在非平坦的地形上行步,机器人具有拟人的膝关节并于上身加装可侧向滑动的平衡滑块。
Hebei Ouke wheel balance weights Co.,Ltd is located in Cangzhou. 河北欧克平衡块有限公司,坐落在华北平原渤海之滨。