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Art College students Takemoto, Mayama and Morita aren't necessarily living fancy lives, but they're having fun. 美术学院的学生竹本佑太、真山和森田虽然住在破旧的公寓里,生活穷苦,但是他们过得很快乐。
Mayama's spirited classmate Ayumi Yamada has an unrequited crush of her own on Mayama.Five one-sided feelings are tangling, with no answer in sight... 而对于一心一意一直迷恋自己的同级同学山田的心情,真山却没有注意到。
Takemoto has a deft touch with his art, but he's not at his best with relationships, while Mayama is calm and gentle, and Morita is an eccentric genius. 竹本佑太在美术上有着纯熟的技巧但在感情上就差了很多,真山是个温文尔雅的男生,森田则是个偏执的天才。
Meanwhile, Mayama is obsessed with the architect Rika, whom he met on a part-time job, but Rika still cannot rid herself of memories of her lost father. 与此同时,真山正迷上了他做临时工时遇见的建筑师理花,但理花始终不能从失去父亲的阴影中解脱出来。