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John: No, I don't think so. Thank you very much, Mr. Ketcham. 约翰:不,我想没有了。非常感谢,凯查姆先生。
Mr. Ketcham: What qualifications do you have for department store work? 凯查姆先生:你有什么适于百货商店工作的资历吗?
Girl: Will you sit over there? I'll ask Mr. Ketcham if he'll see you. 女孩:您在那边坐一坐好吗?我去问问凯查姆先生是否愿意见您一下。
She leaves, and in a moment returns to beckon John to Mr. Ketcham's private office. (她离去了,过了一会儿,回来招呼约翰到凯查姆先生的私人办公室去。)
Mr. Ketcham: Good afternoon young man. I suppose you are looking for employment? 凯查姆先生:下午好,老弟。我想你是求职的吧?
Mr. Ketcham: It just happens that we need a few salesmen now to replace those who are on vacation. How soon would you be able to start work? 凯查姆先生:现在碰巧我们需要几位售货员代替那些现在度假的。你什么时候能开始来工作呢?