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The Salishan language of the Flathead. 弗拉塞德语弗拉塞德族印第安人使用的萨利希语
He has names for them like "Flathead", "Chicken Legs" and "Dogbrain". 给他们起一些怪名字,什么"平头"啊,"鸡腿"啊,"狗脑"啊等等。
Weekly publication covering Glacier National Park and the Flathead Valley. 网站简介:Montana's only Pulitzer Prize winning newspaper.
A Native American people inhabiting western Montana and northern Idaho, now located principally on Flathead Lake. 弗拉塞德族北美印第安民族,以前居住在蒙大纳西部和爱达荷北部地区,现在主要住在弗拉塞德湖地区
A Native American people inhabiting western Montana and northern Idaho,now located principally on Flathead Lake. 弗拉塞德族北美印第安民族,以前居住在蒙大纳西部和爱达荷北部地区,现在主要住在弗拉塞德湖地区